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FDA is Currently Investigating E-cigs Linked to Causing Seizures

Do e-cigarettes cause seizures?  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration thinks there may be a link.  The FDA announced recently that they are investigating reports of individuals, specifically teens and young adults, having seizures after using e-cigarettes.  The FDA found at least 35 reported cases of seizures in e-cigarette users between 2010 and early this year. While this figure represents just a small fraction of e-cigarette users, the FDA is concerned and believes an investigation is necessary to determine if there is a connection between seizures and e-cigarettes. Seizures are known potential side effects of nicotine poisoning and some reports in scientific literature relate seizures to swallowing of e-liquids containing nicotine, according to the FDA.

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FDA has not yet confirmed whether there is a link between e-cigarettes and seizures, but they are sharing the information to encourage others to submit relevant information. The FDA encouraged health care professionals, e-cigarette users, and other consumers to be aware of the potential health hazards caused by electronic smoking. Reporting cases or information about these incidents can help determine if there is a causal relationship and identify key risk factors. Seizures have been reported in first-time e-cigarette users, as well as experienced users also, states the FDA.  Although many initial reports concern young adults, adult smokers pose the same risks. There are multiple factors that can lead to seizures. E-liquids contain different levels of nicotine concentration, and some e-cigarettes are designed to administer high levels of nicotine quickly, says the FDA. Electronic smoking has also been linked to other health concerns, such as the direct effect of e-cigarettes on airways. It is possible that e-cigarettes could cause changes to airways that could be a precursor to cancer. Even though electronic smoking may impact health less than traditional cigarettes, it is not risk free.  Use of e-cigarettes may still pose health hazards to consumers.

If you or a loved one has suffered from seizures since beginning e-smoking, contact Vinas & DeLuca. Receive a free and confidential consultation by calling (305) 372-3650. Or, you can complete our Free Case Evaluation Form and we will contact you.