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06 Apr: Tips for Navigating Harvoni Insurance Denials

If you or someone you love has Hepatitis C, facing a potential denial of coverage for Harvoni treatment from your insurance provider is no simple feat. (Read more about Harvoni and Harvoni-related insurance denials.) But there are ways you can improve your chances of approval and actions you can take to appeal a denial once received.

06 Apr: Most Common Type Of Tire Failure Accidents In Miami

Tire failures occur for many reasons. A sudden, unexpected tire failure, such as tread separation, can be deadly. One reason a tire may fail is a manufacturing defect. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), each year an estimated 8,000 auto and truck accidents (or more) are caused by tire blowouts and other tire defects. It is very important to check your tire pressure on a regular basis and before traveling long distances.

06 Apr: FDA is Currently Investigating E-cigs Linked to Causing Seizures

Do e-cigarettes cause seizures? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration thinks there may be a link. The FDA announced recently that they are investigating reports of individuals, specifically teens and young adults, having seizures after using e-cigarettes. The FDA found at least 35 reported cases of seizures in e-cigarette users between 2010 and early this year.

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